Turn Your Cereal Box into an Eclipse Projector

If you need a safe way to view the eclipse but don't have a pair of legitimate eclipse glasses, a solution could be hiding in your pantry. On "Good Morning America" today (Aug. 21), Sara G. Miller — a staff writer for Space.com sister site Live Science — showed the audience and host Lara Spencer how to turn an ordinary cereal box into a pinhole projector that you can use to see the eclipse.
It's important to use proper eye protection when viewing the eclipse, because staring directly at the sun can lead to permanent eye damage and even blindness. Pinhole projectors provide a way to see what the sun looks like without damaging your retinas.
You can watch a video of the segment embedded above. For more details, check out our articles on how to build a pinhole projector and what to do if you don't have eclipse glasses.
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